Monday, November 10, 2008

McCain Staffers Knock On Heaven's Door

Deep within Newsweek's engrossing, 2,972-page (approx.) chronicle of this year's presidential campaigns is an account of McCain advisers Mark Salter and Steve Schmidt blowing off steam after the second presidential debate, in which their candidate wandered around the stage and made references to overhead projectors:

After the town-hall debate, Salter and Schmidt reunited with a dozen or so members of the traveling press corps at a karaoke bar in Nashville. It had been months since the duo had had a night out with reporters. Salter, who had sung in a band in college, was cajoled into singing a few tunes. Before long, and after a drink or two, he was into it. Under pressure from the reporters, Schmidt joined him for a chorus of Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues." Schmidt even sang "Rocky Mountain High," to squeals from the increasingly inebriated reporters. But then he went off and sat quietly. Schmidt looked worn out, his burly body weighed by stress and the woes of the campaign, his relentless stare dimmed by exhaustion. He ignored political questions and talked quietly about his family. Salter, on the other hand, had found his groove. Standing in the middle of the bar, dressed in his ubiquitous corduroy jacket, he bellowed "More Dylan!" until he had belted out every Bob Dylan song the bar had. Reporters sang loud, drunken backup and tried to get Salter to join them in boy-band dance moves. It was the first time anyone had seen Salter look as if he was having fun in a long time.
McCain, alas, wasn't in attendance, meaning the Nashville crowd missed out on his hilarious Beach Boys parody.

How He Did It [Newsweek]

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