Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When You Believe

Holy crap, remember when I used to update this site once a week or so? Ooof. I have a few good excuses for my absence, as I've spent the past few months: 1) hanging out with "Weird Al" Yankovic and a local subway-poster vandal; 2) developing a new website, which should be up in a few weeks or so; and 3) finishing the book, which will be in stores by mid-December or so. It's now called Don't Stop Believin': How Karaoke Conquered the World and Changed My Life, and it features your truly on the cover (not my idea, I swear!)

More information TK, including a link to the new site.


Mark Schoneveld said...

Can't wait for the book, buddy! Looks fantastic!

JW said...

That Klosterman blurb sounds like the rationale for "becoming a drummer," too.